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NARM Association Fall Quarterly Updates & Online Magazine


Welcome to our newest members of the North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association® family! The NARM Association now has 1,391 locations across North America.

The latest NARM Quarterly is now available where you can meet each of our newest members and find virtual programming that you may want to share with your members.

DON'T LOSE TOUCH! Staff changes are inevitable, but they shouldn't mean that you lose your NARM Association membership. More and more institutions have fallen off the list due to loss of contact and, while we make effort to reconnect with emails and phone calls, we do have to remove members who do not keep their membership current. Make a plan now to pass along any contact information changes to in case of staff changes, if you do not have one in place already, and your organization will not be in danger of losing your NARM Association membership.


Virginia Phillippi


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