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Middlesex Community College Spring Student Art Show | Hue: April 15 to May 7, 2023

LexArt will host the Middlesex Community College spring student show Hue from April 13 (at 5pm) – May 7, 2023, as part of our ongoing commitment to community partnerships in the arts. Hue will feature the latest, most exciting work of students majoring in Middlesex Community College's Art & Design program.

Join us at the Nye Gallery for this captivatingly contemporary show, and see how the area's college students of today are using the visual arts for self-expression, for activism, and for social awareness.

List of Artist

Victor Coykendall

Tom Nguyen

Henry Pestana

Meaghan Cavanagh

Jessica Sarakas

Dylan Barrus

Kimhong Chhay

Kyla Murray

Rook Skudder

Kayla Beliveau

Maritza L.

Ysabelle Elagio

Isabell Elagio

Leo Hall

Group Piece

Charlie Juda

Jacob Levin

Fernanda Lozano

Joelina Pereyra

Eric Tedesco

Maddie Torpey

Natalia Villegas

Group Piece

Rebeca Harrington

Mahli Rivera

Chiara Tazoa

Ryu Srey

Mark Robinson

Emily Chiang

Amber Dalicandro

Kyle Au Yeung

Luna Duffy Kunst

Murette Gaudette

Maria Hamandi

Michael Villanueva

Kayla Carlson

Cheryl Malone

Robert Aurillo

Josh McNamara

Nophea Vicheth

Allie Page

Wendy Seymour

Demetra Papas

Abigail Hamill

Dawn Davies

Katelynn Sullivan

Nicole McLaughlin

Barbara Davis

Kathleen McGill

Kelly Chetwynd

Connor Halko

Ethan Park

Jordan Wallace

Rhondya Reth

Madison Cantanzariti

Lolita Demers

Kylie Phosy

Chrissy Hungate

Mariana Ruiz Gallego

Reese Jozokos

Isabella Hague

Sam Um


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